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Medical Autoclaves

JULLUNDUR ENTERPRISES (JALANDHAR ENTERPRISES) is the manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Medical Autoclaves.

Jullundur Enterprises are Medical Autoclaves manufacturer in india, Medical Autoclaves supplier in India, Medical Autoclaves exporter from India.

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Triple Wall Vertical Hi-Pressure Nut Locking
Size/Capacity: 40ltr –180ltr

Triple Wall, Double Chamber Autoclave. The Lid, Ring, Inner Chamber, Middle Chamber and Outer Wall are made of Stainless Steel. The instrument is absolutely leak proof. Equipped with Pressure Gauze, Safety Valve, Double Safety Valve, Steam Release Valve, Rubber Gasket, Mild Steel Legs for Autoclave. The autoclave can hold the in between 5psi to 20 psi
Size (Inch/mm) Capacity
12” x 22” 40ltr Electrical
14” x 25” 60ltr Electrical
16” x 24” 75ltr Electrical
18” x 24” 95ltr Electrical
22” x 30” 180ltr Electrical

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Triple Wall Vertical Hi-Pressure Radial Locking – with steam jacket
Size/Capacity: 40ltr –180ltr

Triple Wall, Double Chamber Autoclave. The Lid, Ring, Inner Chamber, Middle Chamber and Outer Wall made of Stainless Steel. Middle Chamber works as steam Stock Jacket. The instrument is absolutely leak proof. Equipped with Pressure Gauze, Safety Valve, Double Safety Valve, Steam Release Valve, Rubber Gasket, Mild Steel Legs for Autoclave. The autoclave can hold the in between 5psi to 20 psi.
Additional Controls like Pressure Control Switch, Low Water cut off, Digital Timer, Digital Temperature, Alarm / Buzzer is provide with this unit
Size (Inch/mm) Capacity
12” x 22” 40ltr Electrical
14” x 25” 60ltr Electrical
16” x 24” 75ltr Electrical
18” x 24” 95ltr Electrical
22” x 30” 180ltr Electrical

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Tripe Wall Vertical Hi – Pressure Radial Locking – w ith steam jacket
Size/Capac ity: 40 ltr –1 80 ltr

Trip le Wall Dou ble Ch am ber A utoc lave. The Inner Ch amb er , M id dle Ch amb er and Ou ter W all m ade of Stainless Steel, Ring Mad e of Stainless Steel/ M ild Steel. Th e lid is m ade of Stainless steel tigh tened by radial arm s throu gh a steering w heel m ade of C hro m e plated Mild Steel. The instrum ent is abso lut ely leak p roo f. M idd le C ham b er w orks as steam Stock Jack et. E qu ip ped w ith Pressure Gauz e, Safet y Valve, Dou b le Safety Valve, Steam Release Valve, R ub ber G asket, Inner Container, S.S Bu cket, and Mild Steel Legs for Au toclave. Th e Aut oclave c an hold the in betw een 5psi to 20 psi.
Additional Controls like Pressure Control Switch , Low Water cut off, Digital Timer, Digital Temperature, Alarm / Buzzer is provide with this unit.
Size (Inch/mm) Capacity
12” x 22” 40ltr Electrical
16” x 24” 75ltr Electrical
22” x 30” 180ltr Electrical

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Cylindrical Horizontal Autoclave Double Wall
The sterilizer is based on the principle that microbiological action of saturated Steam at elevated temperature is rapid and through. A ll models work on principle of downward displacement of air which is most economical method of obt aining sterilization.
Size/Capacity: 75ltr –300ltr

Construction :- Double Walled Inner chamber S.S304 16 g and outer cover made of S.S 304 , Lid Made of S.S. Radial Locking made of Mild Steel Chrome Plated , Ring M.S Painted . Autoclave mounted on tubular steel frame with ground leveling screwed flages . Boiler 304 S.S, All parts of S.S 304.

Pressure Control :- The pressure control device, Digital Timer, Digital Temperature, Low water cut off Devise and Buzzer on completion of cycle is incorporated in electrically operated sterilizer. It economies on power consumption and reduces the frequent opening steam release value and prevents the release of steam in room .

Operating Temp & Pressure
Size (Inch) Capacity
16” x 24” 75ltr
16” x 44” 140ltr
20” x 36” 185ltr
20” x 48” 250ltr
22” x 48” 300ltr

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Cylindrical Horizontal Autoclave Triple Wall
The sterilizer is based on the principle that micro biological action of saturated steam at elevated temperature is rapid and through . All models work on principle of downward displacement of air which is most economical method of obtaining sterilization .
Construction :- Triple Walled with Steam jacket. Inner chamber and steam jacket made of S.S with leak proof argon welding. Lid Made of S.S. Autoclave mounted on tubular steel frame with ground leveling screwed flages.

Pressure Control :- The pressure control device is incorporated in all electrically operated sterilizer. It economies on power consumption and reduces the frequent opening steam release value and prevents the release of steam in room .

Operating Temp & Pressure
Size (Inch) Capacity
16” x 24” 75ltr
16” x 44” 140ltr
20” x 36” 185ltr
20” x 48” 250ltr
22” x 48” 300ltr

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